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Florilège - Gregorian Chant

Florilège - Gregorian Chant


Choir of the monks of Solesmes directed by dom Joseph Gajard and dom Jean Claire.

Choice of the most remarkable pieces from the Gregorian repertoire.


Track list:

1 Introit  Iubilate Deo  ;2 Antiphons;3 Kyrie ;   4 Gloria ; 

5 Offertory ;   6 Answer ;7 Anthem ;8 Communion;

9 Anthem Salvo; 10 Introit   Salus autem; 11  Answer Subsidy;  

12 Sequence Lætabundus;  13 Gradual  ; 14 Communion ;  

15  Sequence    Ave Maria; 16 Communion ; 17  Antiphon;

18 Gradual ; 19  Offertory Tui sunt; 20 Alleluia ;21 Communio; 

22 Antiphon;  23 Ringing bells  


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