Enamelled Bronze Wall Crucifix
This Crucifix presents Christ on a Romanesque cross, illustrating the finesse and nobility of the Christian tradition. In bronze, this crucifix is embellished with enamels applied with an ancestral technique, giving it a striking beauty and symbolic depth.
The Latin cross, balanced in its simplicity, bears at its top the inscription INRI, an acronym for the Latin inscription "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudæorum," meaning "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." This inscription is historically placed above the head of the crucified Christ, as described in the Gospels.
The enamels, handcrafted in the Piéchaud workshop, are arranged with a precision that highlights Christ's imploring expression, his head tilted to one side. Christ's halo and perizonium (cloth) are also enameled, each bringing its own nuance of meaning and personalization for the believer.
The three enameled cabochons that surmount the cross add to the visual richness of the whole, making this crucifix an ideal gift for sacred occasions such as a First Communion, a profession of faith, a confirmation or to mark a marriage.
Made in France
Size: 15.5 cm H